How to Create the Best Setup for Growing Cannabis Outdoors
The best outdoor grow set-up produces heaps of sun-grown buds for a low cost. Items like fabric pots and pruning scissors can help your outdoor garden thrive.
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Get startedThe best outdoor grow set-up produces heaps of sun-grown buds for a low cost. Items like fabric pots and pruning scissors can help your outdoor garden thrive.
Smoking weed does not automatically disqualify you from donating plasma unless you are under the influence at the time of blood donation.
Dab pens and vape pens are both devices used for vaping weed. However, they differ in the kind of cannabis concentrate that they use.
Spliffs contain tobacco, while joints do not, but both spliffs and joints can be wrapped in cigarette rolling papers.
Marijuana use can cause bad breath (halitosis), and this is due to THC in cannabis reducing saliva production and drying out the mouth.
A bowl is a carved-out space in a pipe or bong that holds ground cannabis flower.